Private & Public Cloud Services

Gain Scalability & Control with GDMS IaaS Solutions

Take Control of Your Data Infrastructure – Without the Hassle

Our Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings empower you to manage your data infrastructure through a user-friendly dashboard, eliminating the need for on-site hardware management. This translates to:

  • Reduced Costs: Eliminate upfront capital expenditure on hardware and software. Say goodbye to costly equipment maintenance and upgrades with our pay-as-you-go model.
  • Scalability on Demand: Effortlessly scale your cloud resources up or down to meet fluctuating workloads. Only pay for the resources you use.
  • Focus on Your Business: Free up valuable IT resources from infrastructure management. Focus on core business initiatives while GDMS handles the underlying infrastructure.

Unparalleled Support & Data Security

All GDMS IaaS solutions include:

  • 24/7/365 Expert Support: Gain access to a team of experienced architecture advisors, cloud engineers, support staff, and security experts – around the clock.
  • Data Sovereignty Compliance: Leverage a secure cloud environment that adheres to data sovereignty laws, ensuring your data remains within your regulatory boundaries.

Why Choose GDMS?

GDMS offers a comprehensive IaaS solution that provides control, scalability, and peace of mind.

Vientiane, Laos:

  • High-Performance Dedicated Servers in Vientiane, Laos: Gain complete control and dedicated resources for peak application performance with our Vientiane dedicated servers. Includes private bandwidth & public IPs.
  • Secure & Scalable Dedicated Hosting in Laos: Experience unmatched security and scalability with our single-tenant dedicated servers in Vientiane. Dedicated internet bandwidth & public IPs ensure ultimate control.

Read about our dedicated servers in Laos

Yangon, Myanmar:

  • Low-Latency Dedicated Servers in Yangon, Myanmar: Minimize latency for your Myanmar-based applications with our Yangon dedicated servers. Includes dedicated internet bandwidth & public IPs for optimal performance.
  • Reliable Dedicated Hosting in Yangon: Ensure reliable performance for your Myanmar operations with our Yangon dedicated servers. Dedicated resources, bandwidth & public IPs provide maximum control.

Read about our dedicated servers in Myanmar

Brazzaville, Congo:

  • High-Availability Dedicated Servers in Brazzaville, Congo: Achieve high availability for your applications in Congo with our Brazzaville dedicated servers. Includes private bandwidth & public IPs for maximum uptime.
  • Scalable Dedicated Hosting Solutions in Brazzaville: Scale your operations seamlessly with our Brazzaville dedicated servers. Dedicated resources, bandwidth & public IPs ensure flexibility and control.

Our solutions provide increased data security, cost savings, flexibility, and scalability.


VPS is short for a Virtual Private Server. VPS hosting is one of the most popular hosting services you can choose for your website or application. It uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated (private) resources in a public cloud environment. GDMS VPS is available in Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Congo.  Our cloud platform offers compelling dedicated resources and is optimized for performance and speed.

Our highly skilled DevOps team configures and manages your cloud VPS service ensuring stability and availability of your application at any given time.

Find out more about our VPS solutions in Myanmar

Find out more about our VPS solutions in Laos

Find out more about our VPS solutions in Cambodia


Build Secure & Private Cloud Environments in Laos, Myanmar and Congo with GDMS VPC

  • Enhanced Control & Isolation: Our Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service in Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Congo offers a logically isolated network for your cloud resources. This provides control over communication, similar to on-premises deployments.
  • Industry-Leading Security: Powered by VMware NSX, a top virtualization platform, GDMS VPC ensures secure isolation of your virtual resources.
  • Policy-Driven Management: Manage compute, storage, networking, and security with fine-grained control. Implement role-based authentication for added security.
  • Streamlined Development: VMware Cloud Director integration simplifies application sandboxing and deployment for developers. Access hundreds of pre-tested applications from the VMware Cloud Marketplace.
  • 24/7 Managed Operations: (Optional: Add this as a separate bullet point or integrate it into the previous one) Opt for our Managed Operation services for worry-free cloud management. Our team proactively monitors, backs up, and optimizes your environment for peak performance, 24x7x365.

Find out more about our VPC solutions in Myanmar

Find out more about our VPC solutions in Laos

Unleash the Power of Private Cloud with GDMS: Design, Implementation & Management

GDMS, a VMware Cloud Verified Partner and Enterprise Cloud Provider, offers a comprehensive private cloud solution tailored to your specific needs. We handle the entire process, from design and sourcing to implementation, operation, management, and ongoing support.

Our Private Cloud Services:

1. Design & Planning:

  • Needs Assessment: We collaborate with you to understand your business goals, workload requirements, and budget constraints.
  • Solution Architecture: Our VMware Certified Professionals (VCPs) design a secure and scalable private cloud architecture that aligns with your IT strategy.
  • Hardware Selection: We recommend and source the optimal hardware components based on your performance and storage needs. We can leverage our expertise to advise on on-premises or customer data center deployment.

2. Implementation:

  • Deployment & Configuration: Our experienced team deploys and configures your private cloud infrastructure, including virtualization software, networking, and storage solutions.
  • Security Integration: We implement robust security measures, including firewalls, access control, and data encryption, to ensure your information remains protected.
  • Application Migration: We seamlessly migrate your existing applications and data to the new private cloud environment.

3. Operation & Management:

  • 24/7 Monitoring & Management: Our team proactively monitors your private cloud infrastructure for performance, security threats, and resource utilization.
  • Performance Optimization: We regularly analyze and optimize your cloud environment to ensure peak performance and efficient resource allocation.
  • Patch Management: Our team keeps your entire private cloud infrastructure up-to-date with the latest software patches and security updates.

4. Support:

  • Dedicated Support Team: You gain access to a dedicated support team with extensive knowledge of private cloud technologies and VMware solutions.
  • Global Support Network: Benefit from the expertise of our global support network, ensuring assistance is always readily available.
  • Technical Account Management: Our dedicated Account Managers provide ongoing communication and ensure your private cloud meets your evolving business requirements.

Benefits of GDMS Private Cloud Solutions:

  • Enhanced Control & Security: Gain complete control over your data and infrastructure within your own data center or your customer’s data center.
  • Scalability & Agility: Effortlessly scale your resources up or down to meet fluctuating workloads and business demands.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Optimize IT spending by utilizing resources efficiently and avoiding the need for upfront capital investment in hardware.
  • Improved Performance & Efficiency: Experience enhanced application performance and optimized resource utilization.
  • Expert Support: Rely on our experienced team of VCPs and global support network for ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting.

VMware Cloud Verified Partner & Enterprise Cloud Provider:

Our partnership with VMware and designation as an Enterprise Cloud Provider ensures you receive a proven and reliable private cloud solution based on industry-leading technologies.

By choosing GDMS, you gain a trusted partner for your private cloud journey. Contact us today to learn more.

Our backup service assures that in case of failure of your IT equipment and accidental or intentional data deletion, the data will be recovered and you will be able to resume usual operations. We make backups of servers stored both in our data center and kept in the customer’s server room. We choose a suitable technology, provide data capacity in our data center, assure communication line, install and configure systems, monitor backup creation procedure, respond to incidents, preventively make test recoveries and, in case of incident, recover data. All this is provided as a service for a monthly fee without any concealed fees.

GDMS Backup Services applies to the following scenarios:

  • Hacker attacks and virus infection: GDMS Backup services can restore the cloud server to the latest backup point in time when the cloud server has not been affected by hacker attacks and virus.
  • Mis-deletion: GDMS can restore cloud server to the backup point in time prior to the mis-deletion.
  • Application update errors: GDMS can restore a cloud server to the backup point in time prior to the application update.
  • With GDMS infrastructure managed backup features, you get
    • Fully Managed Backup
    • Anytime Recovery
    • Backup Retention

GDMS partners with Veeam, the global leader in Data Protection for backup and disaster recovery solutions to the cloud.

Find out more about our partnership by clicking here.

The disaster recovery service as provided by GDMS is the replication and hosting of physical or virtual servers by GDMS to provide failover in the event of a man-made or natural catastrophe. The service helps to assure continuity of organization operations even in case of unexpected incidents and comprises recovery of devices, applications and data.

Why Choose DR In-country

Keep Data and Applications Local

  • For national data security and privacy regulations, your data and applications should always be local for simplified adherence
  • Active response when customer need support on the platform

National Clouds Give You Peace of Mind

  • Know exactly where your data is being stored and transferred by using Cloud/DR Providers located in your country
  • Avoid national political changes that may affect the data stored outside of the country

With GDMS Disaster Recovery Service, you get

  • Reduced Uncertainty
  • Fault Tolerance
  • Optimized Spending
  • Increased Availability

GDMS’s 3 Versions of DR Solutions

  • Active-Active
  • Active-Passive
  • Backup/Rebuilt

Why GDMS DR Service?

A converged solution with unified management using familiar tools.

  • Fully integrated with vCloud Director
  • Simplified, efficient and intuitive modern HTML-5interface integrated with vCloud Director
  • Simple RBAC portal with access for tenant and service provider users
  • Simple appliance deployment and dedicated UI for administration capability
  • Modern H5 VMware vSphere® plug-in for tenant users

A competitively priced solution with focused features and tight integration

  • Tenant self-service protection, failover, and failback workflows per virtual machine (VM)/vAPP
  • Storage independence from VMware vSphere® Replication™
  • Often a lower cost compared to the cost of other popular DRaaS offerings on the market, giving you great pricing flexibility

Encryption for data at rest or data in motion

  • Built-in optional compression of replication traffic and TLS encryption end to end.
  • Built-in vSphere encryption for data at rest

About our Disaster Recovery Solutions

Securely Migrate Sensitive Data to the Cloud: GDMS Laos Government Cloud

Challenge: Migrating sensitive government data to the cloud often raises concerns about security, compliance, and data sovereignty.

Solution: GDMS offers a secure and compliant Government Cloud solution specifically designed for Lao government agencies and their partners.

Benefits of GDMS Laos Government Cloud:

  • Isolated Cloud Infrastructure: Your workloads remain isolated within a dedicated cloud environment, ensuring complete control and data privacy.
  • Enhanced Security: Our Government Cloud leverages a secure government data center facility operated by the Ministry of Technology and Communications (MTC). This facility adheres to the strictest security protocols to safeguard your sensitive data.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The GDMS Government Cloud solution is designed to meet the specific regulatory and compliance requirements of Lao government agencies. We help you navigate data residency and sovereignty concerns.
  • Improved Agility & Efficiency: Move away from on-premises infrastructure and embrace the flexibility and scalability of the cloud. Focus on core government functions while GDMS manages the underlying cloud infrastructure.

More Information about GDMS Government Cloud Services in Laos